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Conga's Customer Nominated MVPs!
At Conga Connect, we held our annual Customer Champion Awards, and we are proud to announce our winners for 2023, nominated by nonother than our fabulous customers! These incredible Conganeers are living their best lives—the Conga Way. At Conga, customer success isn’t just a buzzword—it’s integral to the way we function as a company.
3 min read
Industry insights
Conga Inspire Award winners: transformation
Through innovation we create value. We recognize companies that are leveraging Conga's solutions to drive returns on investment through unique and transformative ways previously unseen.
Your 2023 Conga Inspire Award winners in transformation:
Your 2023 Conga Inspire Award winners in transformation:
3 min read
Industry insights
Conga Inspire Award winners: efficiency
There are too many things to do in a day. We recognize the companies that take those numerous tasks and automates them away with Conga solutions leaving their employees to focus on the important things.
Your 2023 Conga Inspire Award winners in efficiency:
Your 2023 Conga Inspire Award winners in efficiency:
2 min read
Industry insights
Conga Inspire Award winners: customer experience and community
We recognize the company that is using Conga's solutions to provide a simple, helpful, and caring experience that separates them from their peers.
Your 2023 Conga Inspire Award winners in customer experience:
1. Edmentum, Inc.
Your 2023 Conga Inspire Award winners in customer experience:
1. Edmentum, Inc.
4 min read
Industry insights
Get to know our 2023 Conga Inspire Award winners
The Conga Inspire Awards were presented at Conga Connect 2023 and this year’s winners are some of the most innovative, market-leading organizations we’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.
1 min read
Manufacturers now have a new way to access equipment, providing flexibility and scalability
Take a walk in almost any metropolitan area around the globe, and you’ll see a building in some stage of construction. The sector is booming even as the economy has slowed over the past year. This has manufacturers looking to invest in key technologies and solutions that will enable them to continue that growth.
3 min read
The ultimate guide to order-to-cash (OTC): Everything you need to know
Gaining new customers for your business is a big accomplishment that requires cross-functional effort by numerous teams. However, the hard work doesn’t stop when you close the deal or a customer places their initial order. In fact, that’s just the tip of the iceberg, and what comes next can be even more complex.
4 min read
What is deal management: 5 ways effective deal management improves sales
In order to grow, a company must be able to close deals. But selling is a complex process with many moving parts, from the initial sales call through nurturing, negotiation, and fulfillment.
3 min read
Industry insights
Recently laid off? Free Training & Credentials for Conga Customers
At Conga, the foundation of who we are and what we strive to build is grounded in three core principles—champion the customer, embrace an entrepreneurial spirit, and achieve together.
1 min read
Wet signature vs eSignature: What’s the difference?
Sign on the dotted line. It’s a common phrase that’s repeated in countless settings, from high-stakes business deals to everyday restaurant transactions. We all understand that, in most cases, a signature is the key to creating an official, legally binding contract or agreement.
4 min read
Healthcare contract management: the changing role of the Healthcare System General Counsel
I remember the early days of COVID-19 as if they happened yesterday. First, struggling to get my son home from his semester abroad in Milan, of all places. Next, tracking his movement from Milan to Berlin to Copenhagen to Newark, an airport as empty as one in a Steven King novel.
3 min read
The Quote-to-Cash Process in 10 Steps
Quote-to-cash (often abbreviated as QTC or Q2C) is an important set of business processes that span the entire sales cycle. QTC involves a variety of activities and many departments across the organization—which has traditionally led to unnecessary siloes and inefficiencies.
8 min read