Conga Digital Commerce

Conga Digital Commerce

Omnichannel commerce for enterprise organizations

Improve the buying experience

Conga Digital Commerce is a critical component of revenue lifecycle management. With Conga Digital Commerce, your customers, partners, and sales reps can place orders—or request and present quotes—through a single digital commerce platform, providing a unified and personalized B2B buying and selling experience. 

Conga Revenue Lifecycle Wheel and Data

Conga Digital Commerce features

  • Make complex sales simple

    Conga Digital Commerce enables a seamless self-service buying experience for complex product and service offerings by guiding customers through the configuration, pricing, and ordering process.

  • Personalize customer engagements 

    Quickly enable a branded B2B storefront that offers a frictionless buying experience with enhanced search, entitlements, and contracted pricing.

  • Unify the buying experience 

    Deliver a high-quality experience across channels with Conga Digital Commerce. Enable your customers and partners to buy anytime through a branded site on a single platform.

  • Assist partners and distributors 

    Conga Digital Commerce enables partners to configure complex product configurations on behalf of customers for easy selling.  

Omnichannel digital commerce to boost sales

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Of B2B enterprises struggle to deliver a high-quality buying experience


Of buyers prefer the convenience of buying through digital channels


Improvement in cross-sell and up-sell opportunities


Improvement in customer retention


Increase in customer lifetime value

Statistics provided by Conga customers

See what customers are say about Conga Digital Commerce

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Customer success

End-to-end support on Conga Digital Commerce

With support from Conga Services, Conga Community, and our technical team, we’re able to support our customers and to solve any Digital Commerce questions that come up along the way. 

Improve processes with Conga Digital Commerce

Conga Digital Commerce plays well with others.

Conga’s products are purpose-built to work together seamlessly, so you can automate and streamline commercial operations end-to-end.

Conga Digital Commerce FAQs

  • What is Conga Digital Commerce?

    With Conga Digital Commerce, your customers, partners, and sales reps can place orders—or request and present quotes—through a single digital commerce platform, providing a unified and personalized B2B buying and selling experience. 

  • Who could benefit from Conga Digital Commerce?

    Conga Digital Commerce will benefit organizations that want to offer a B2B branded site that guides users through the configuration, pricing, and ordering of complex products or services. 

  • How does Conga Digital Commerce improve the buyer experience?

    Conga Digital Commerce provides a richer buying experience by providing customers and partners the ability to buy any time through a branded B2B site with enhanced search. The solution takes into account entitlements and contracted pricing that have been negotiated with their business.   

  • How does Conga Digital Commerce improve the seller experience?

    Sellers can utilize Conga Digital Commerce to walk their customers through the configuration of products and services utilizing the same rules and pricing that they would see in their internal selling solutions, simplifying the entire selling process.   

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