
Two legal professionals reviewing a contract
The future of compliance: How financial institutions can build a DORA-ready culture

The future of compliance: How financial institutions can build a DORA-ready culture

The Digital Operations Resilience Act (DORA) comes into force for financial institutions and information and communications technology (ICT) service providers on 17 January 2025. It is a looming deadline, and companies impacted by it must act to ensure compliance.
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Two woman looking at a tablet
Decision night: 3 tips for selecting the best CLM for your business

Decision night: 3 tips for selecting the best CLM for your business

Is your company caught in the whirlwind of CLM vendor promises? With over 240 vendors competing for your vote—85 of them entering the race since 2017 alone—the CLM market is more crowded than ever.
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What you missed at our Dream Disco 5K
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What you missed at our Dream Disco 5K

Last week, we hosted our first-ever virtual 5K. With an in-person Dreamforce out of the question this year, we wanted to find a way to make up some of the steps we’d normally get by walking all around San Francisco for a week.
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Discover new features and enhancements in the Conga Winter '20 Product Release
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Discover new features and enhancements in the Conga Winter '20 Product Release

We are thrilled to announce the first combined release for the all-new Conga, including all original Apttus and Conga products, now in one complete suite! Here’s a peek into some of the great new features and enhancements in the Conga Winter ‘20 product release.
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Why digital adoption is key in maximizing the value of your technology investments
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Why digital adoption is key in maximizing the value of your technology investments

Trigger warning: we’re going to discuss the “next normal,” and how 2020 has changed the way we think about business. But we shouldn’t dread this conversation, just like we shouldn’t think of every change from this year in a bad light.
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How to choose the right Salesforce workflow
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How to choose the right Salesforce workflow

 Automation in Salesforce. Salesforce workflow. Workflow automation. Process automation.

These are the buzz phrases we hear when it comes to taking work that humans used to do and making it happen without them. Entire professions are built around it, and for good reason.
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5 effective online pricing strategies for your eCommerce site

5 effective online pricing strategies for your eCommerce site

Pricing products and services online is one of the most exciting and complex exercises you will take as a business general manager. Utilizing an effective online pricing strategy requires both a test-and-learn mentality paired with an intuitive feel for how you would like your brand and products to be perceived.
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How machine learning and AI are empowering CRM software
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How machine learning and AI are empowering CRM software

The world of sales is poised to be revolutionized by artificial intelligence (AI) technology. With the IDC projecting that worldwide revenues from AI will reach $97.9 billion by 2023, this technology is going to become more prevalent.
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Team meeting in board room
Digital maturity as a key to successful digital transformation

Digital maturity as a key to successful digital transformation

Digital transformation remains a top strategic priority for almost every organization, but not every change program sees the same level of success. A common pitfall is starting out by picking a technology and implementing at speed.
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Team meeting in conference room
How CLM software improves the five stages of contract management

How CLM software improves the five stages of contract management

Contracts are an increasingly important aspect of any business, from local mom-and-pop storefront to the largest enterprise organizations. But without a plan in place, the contract management process can become overwhelming for employees and full of risky manual errors.
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Improve patient care by digitally transforming with Salesforce and Conga
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Improve patient care by digitally transforming with Salesforce and Conga

Healthcare operations are evolving and needs are changing, with greater urgency than ever before. Healthcare and Life Sciences (HLS) organizations are on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, meeting the extraordinary needs caused by this disease, and finding new and more effective ways to operate is more critical than ever.
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How digital document management can increase sales and revenue

How digital document management can increase sales and revenue

According to Statista, a top business data platform, approximately half of the global population actively uses the internet. For many of us, this is hardly a surprising statistic. But what it does underscore is the importance of using document management software to help you digitize your business.
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10 documents that changed history
Industry insights

10 documents that changed history

We know documents run business. From sales proposals and contracts to employee offer letters, documents are at the core of every business transaction.
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