
Three coworkers sitting at table around laptop
CLM RFP template

CLM RFP template

When it comes to selecting the right CLM solution, an RFP can be your best asset for making an informed decision. With hundreds of vendors in the market, knowing how to evaluate them on factors that truly matter to your business is critical.
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Coworkers collaborating
Document automation software features: buyer's guide for IT
Document automation

Document automation software features: buyer's guide for IT

Today’s IT leaders are under pressure to ensure their organizations are secure, efficient, compliant, and cost-effective—and that means having the right technology in place.
10 min read
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Coworkers smiling and walking in office
DORA for Financial Institutions infographic

DORA for Financial Institutions infographic

Today’s sales teams are under pressure to deliver results daily—but they’re often hindered by slow, manual document processes and long sales cycles.
2 min read
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Recent guides posts

Woman using laptop
7 steps to automate your revenue process
Document automation

7 steps to automate your revenue process


When it comes to implementing business automation, the upfront commitment can be daunting. Give your sales team the power to execute deals more effectively while improving efficiency and productivity—all by automating your revenue process.
14 min read
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Coworkers collaborating
Contract Lifecycle Management for clinical trials data sheet

Contract Lifecycle Management for clinical trials data sheet

Clinical trials require a wide variety of contracts and agreements across numerous geographies, therapeutic classes, and trial stages. Conga CLM is built to automate even the most complex contracting processes and manage the challenges that can slow down clinical trials and delay approvals.
5 min read
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Coworkers standing and talking
LegalTech Publishing evaluates Conga contract solutions

LegalTech Publishing evaluates Conga contract solutions

For years, contract management software has been an important asset for in-house counsel and legal operations teams. That’s even more true in today’s environment of remote work, as legal teams are expected to do more with fewer resources.
6 min read
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The legal effectiveness of Conga Sign 

The legal effectiveness of Conga Sign 

Découvrez les 7 étapes à suivre pour automatiser votre processus de vente 

Gagnez du temps grâce à la génération automatisée des devis et des propositions
Améliorez votre précision et votre efficacité grâce à la mise à jour automatique des prévisions de vente et des opportunités
Accélérez la génération de vos reven
27 min read
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Coworkers collaborating
Conga Contracts for Salesforce data sheet

Conga Contracts for Salesforce data sheet

Mit der Corona-Krise hat sich gezeigt, wie rückständig Deutschland in vielen Bereichen ist und was in der Vergangenheit versäumt wurde. Ein Beispiel ist die Übermittlung von Daten zu Corona-Infektionen der Gesundheitsämter. Diese werden größtenteils per Fax an das Robert-Koch-Institut übermittelt. Dort werden die Daten per Hand abgetippt.
3 min read
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Woman using tablet
Survey report: State of Revenue Lifecycle Management transformation
Document automation

Survey report: State of Revenue Lifecycle Management transformation

Mit der Corona-Krise hat sich gezeigt, wie rückständig Deutschland in vielen Bereichen ist und was in der Vergangenheit versäumt wurde. Ein Beispiel ist die Übermittlung von Daten zu Corona-Infektionen der Gesundheitsämter. Diese werden größtenteils per Fax an das Robert-Koch-Institut übermittelt. Dort werden die Daten per Hand abgetippt.
17 min read
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Coworker working on code
Contract management solutions for biopharma manufacturing

Contract management solutions for biopharma manufacturing

What’s in the box?

Conga in a box: Essential includes everything you need to minimise risk and help increase revenue with an easy-to-use, quick-start line-up of tools. With this package, you’ll get:

Conga Composer: Beautiful, accurate digital documents with the click of a button.
2 min read
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Doctor conducting clinical research
CLM Accelerator for Clinical Research

CLM Accelerator for Clinical Research

What’s in the box?

Conga in a box: Essential includes everything you need to minimise risk and help increase revenue with an easy-to-use, quick-start line-up of tools. With this package, you’ll get:

Conga Composer: Beautiful, accurate digital documents with the click of a button.
2 min read
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