Setting you up for success beyond go live

36 min watch

The go-live phase of any project represents a significant milestone, but it is just the beginning of your journey towards a lasting success.

In this webinar, our experts share invaluable insights, strategies, and practical tips to help you navigate the critical post-implementation phase and ensure your project's success. 

What to expect in this on-demand webinar:

  • Top 5 post-go-live revenue lifecycle management initiatives you should know about
  • Conga's post-go-live resources overview and why you need to tap into this knowledge hub
  • Customer spotlight on Michelin showcasing best practice for success

Gain fresh perspectives and take your post-implementation efforts to the next level.

Presented by

Ina Begerow headshot

Ina Begerow

Senior Services Sales Manager Conga

Nora O’Leary-Roseberry headshot

Nora O’Leary-Roseberry

Head of Customer Learning and Discovery Conga

Armen Tsaturov headshot

Armen Tsaturov

Customer Success Engineer Conga

Baptiste Courcier headshot

Baptiste Courcier

Customer Success Manager for Michelin Conga